Monday, October 17, 2011

"S" Sun Unit

 So the second day of our unit I made "s" pancakes and bacon.  The kids got a kick out of this.  I did the bacon by putting it on a cookie sheet in the shape of an "s" and broiling it in the oven.  That is how I do my bacon most of the time anyway because it is less messy and takes less time.

This is their letter puzzle.  They love to do it.  As they put the letters in it I tell them the name and sound of the letter and have them repeat them so they can learn the names and sounds of the letters. 

 With each unit we work on a new number too.  They make a card for the number and put in an object representing the number.  We decided to use candy corns since we had a lot of them left over from our creation unit and what better candy to use in the fall.  As the units go on they pick out a random number and write the number on a worksheet and then illustrate that number by drawing that many of objects of their choice.  When they do this activity they pick 2 numbers and illustrate each of them.  I forgot to take a picture of that activity this time, but will try to get it next unit.

 We have a Cuisenaire Rods Alphabet book that has activities for each letter (  This is what they were doing.  It also helps them differentiate between sizes of the blocks.  They loved this activity!

This is our grape experiment...We took grapes and put them on a plate in the sun in the window to see what would happen.

This is what Caden  thought would happen.

This is what the grape looked like the 1st day.  We ended up not drawing a grape picture every day because there wasn't a tremendous change.  We did it every couple of days.  Caden was excited when they changed into raisins...just realized I haven't taken another picture of those yet either!

One day we reviewed our Bible verse and painted a sun...

Another activity we did was take a globe and put a sticky note on where we live and then put a sticky note on the opposite side of the world.  We went into their dark bedroom and shined the light on the globe and I showed them how the earth turns every day and why sometimes it's light and sometimes it's dark.  They also saw that when it is light in some places it is dark in other places. 

We finally got to the 10th day of school this unit...and rubber banded out 10 sticks together.

Our last experiment was testing the heat of the sun.  We put an ice cube in the sun on the gate...and one in the shade on the porch rail to see which cube melted faster.  Caden decided the one in the sun melted faster, so we talked about how the sun gives us heat and what it is used for. 

First pictures

After they started melting...

 On this worksheet we had to pick letters and draw a picture that started with that letter.  Since this is our first letter we drew 4 pictures of things that started with the letter "s".

 One night we had dinner over the fire and hot dogs and made "s"more's.  We talked about the stars, smoke, and s'mores all starting with the letter s...Caden also thought smarshmellows started with s.   

We also went into the bedroom one night and played with the light and made shadows...we learned that the closer the light go to the object the shadow got bigger and the farther away it got from the object the shadow got smaller. 

So, overall we learned the sun starts with the letter "s"...the sun gives us light...Jesus is the light of the world...the sun gives us heat...the sun dehydrates things...the sun makes shadows...more to come later!