Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ll - Leaf

So I am definitely behind once agian.  The kid's birthdays rolled around, then Thanksgiving, and then Christmas.  We also had company here and there, so I am taking my last week of Christmas vacation to try and do blog catch up. 

Two units ago we studied the leaf.  I really liked this unit, and if you know me then you probably know fall is my favorite season even though we don't see much of it down here in south Mississippi.  I can still remember the fall up north even though I haven't lived up there in 20 years.  I can remember the smell, and being out playing, and watching and listening to the birds fly over migrating south.  That is what I miss most about the north!

Anyway, our first activity was reading the book Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert,  We then went out and found leaves.  We sorted them by shape and color, and sorting is a kindergarten skill, so that worked out nice!  Then we glued our leaves and made our own leaf men.  The boys loved this!  So here are some pictures...

The book...

 Finding leaves and other things...

Talking about the leaves...

Starting our leaf men...

The finished product! 

 Our biblical concept this unit was "I will live and grow in Jesus."    

We learned as humans we are like the leaves growing on the plant, and God gives us what we need. We bought a plant to learn a little about the leaves and to compare us and God to the leaves..   

 We learned that some people don't want to obey God, and they want to live without God.  They are like the leaf that is all by itself.  We predicted what would happen to the would turn brown and eventually die...

Each day we would water the plant and admire how pretty it was and how green the leaves were.  Each day we also observed how the leaves that were not on the plants looked and how they were slowly dying because they weren't getting any water. At the end of the week we discussed how a leaf needs food and water to grow.  It needs to stay on the plant.  Our spirit, the "real" us, the inside part of us, needs to stay with Jesus to live and grow.  The Bible, God's Word, is like our food.  If we listen to God's word and trust in God, we are like trees with green leaves that never wither and die. 

Here are some of our worksheets for the unit...



One day we did some leaf rubbings... 


This was the end of our leaf unit.  Next we move on to Aa-Apple...