Thursday, September 29, 2011

End of Creation Unit...Beginning of Sun Unit

So it has been a busy week and a half.  Sorry it has taken me so long to post.  Starting with the S-s-sun unit I may just post at the end of each unit which takes us about a week, except for today I will show you what we have done so far this week. 

This is Caden working on his day 6 page in his creation book. On day 6 God created the animals and other living creatures on the land, which included the dinosaurs, and He created man and woman.  Yes, dinosaurs were created right along with the other animals and on the same day as humans.  So, yes that means they walked the Earth the same time humans did.  We were supposed to have animal crackers this day for snack, but we got side tracked and never had snack.

This is just a cute picture of Caden and Jace.  Originally I was going to use a picture of Caden as man on the creation page, but I decided to use a generic man and woman figure instead.  Caden didn't want his picutre taken alone...he wanted it taken with his brother.  I am glad I took it because it came out very cute!

On day 7 God rested, so our page is blank with just our words that tell us what God did that day.  This day for snack we were supposed to have marshmallows because they look like pillows, and we were going to make ice cream sundae's because our day of rest is on Sunday.  Again, we haven't gotten to that snack yet for some reason, but I have all the stuff so one day when we have time we will make our sundae's and review why we made them. 

Yay!  New unit time!!  Today we started our Sun unit.  We will study the letter "s" in this unit.  I was just going to start the reading/phonics part with Caden because I really thought Dax was too young and doesn't have the attention span for it...well I was wrong.  Caden didn't want to have anything to do with sitting down and learning, but I was shocked as I pulled out our foam letter "s" and asked Dax what it was and he knew.  I asked him again just to make sure I didn't hear him wrong.  So, Dax and I sat down and learned about the letter "s"...

This is Dax tracing the letter "s" with his finger and we talked about the sound it makes. 

Dax could pick out the letter "s" if I put it with other letters.

Tracing the "s" again.

We drew S's in shaving cream...

After Caden saw the fun he wanted to join in, so this is Caden tracing the "s" and learning about the sound.

With each unit we have flashcards that have pictures
that start with the letter "s".

In the midst of learning Caden starts freaking out and I look over to see what it is all about, and Mollee, our dog, was in the baby bouncer...and NO there was NO baby in it, but it shows you how spoiled Mollee thinks she is...silly dog!

Caden and his shaving cream...

Then we made letters with playdough...

We rolled out snakes and formed the "s"...

We also stamped the letter "s" too...

Then we started learning about the sun...We learned it is a gives us light...and it gives us heat...

As an experiment I hid these 3 toys in their pitch black bedroom and had the boys try to go in there and find them, which of course they couldn't...but they thought it was fun...

Then I placed the same three items outside in the light and had them go find them, which of course was we talked about how the sun gives us light so we can see and not trip over things and can see the right path from the wrong path...

Then we talked about Jesus being the light of the world ...He helps us see where we are going and helps us to go the right way in our thoughts and actions.  Each unit we get to add a circle to our caterpillar with our subject of the week and biblical truth.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Creation Day 5

  Day 5: God created living creatures in the sea and the birds.  Sorry, I didn't realize Caden didn't have a shirt on...oops. 

Adding the fish to our fish tank.  

Or snack...goldfish and a turkey

My nephew didn't like candy corns, so we made his with M&M's

My newphew...Briar 




Thursday, September 15, 2011

Creation Day 4

Changing our date marker...

Changeing the day on calendar...

Checking the weather...

Coloring the 4th day of school...

Counting our days...I am impressed with how far he has come in just a few days!

I tell Caden to put the button a the specific letter...trying to get him to recognize his letters.

Making today's book page...God created the sun, moon, and stars...

Like how he lined the stars up instead of spreading them out.  

Cutting his number of the day out...

Snack of the day...sun, star, and moon sugar cookies...